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Our Partner Churches

Christ Memorial Church is a member of the Anglican Church of Canada and has been serving Oshawa since 1928.

We offer three very different worship services on Sunday, but life at Christ Church is not limited to Sunday worship.

Throughout the week there are many fellowship groups, Bible Studies, programs, and special events to help people get to know one another and grow in their faith.

Faith Lutheran Ministries is a composite of Faith Lutheran Church, Faith Place, and Little Ark Day Care. The congregation of Faith Lutheran Church was formed on September 26, 1965. After worshiping in several different settings, we moved to our present home at Faith Place in September 1981. Faith Place is a twelve-story senior’s residence, which also is the home of Little Ark Day Care Centre.

St. George's Memorial Church is a caring, Christian community within a welcoming church that provides Christian learning for life, an inclusive participatory style of worship, an inviting church environment and a vibrant outreach ministry on a solid base of expanded financial resources.

The parish community of St. George's, Oshawa, exists to worship God and proclaim Christ, to minister and to help all people grow in fellowship and faith.

St. Peter's Church is an inclusive and affirming Anglican church worshipping in the modern Anglo Catholic tradition in the heart of South Oshawa. We are a small church striving to fulfil God’s call to create a community of compassion and care for all people. We encourage questioning, dialogue, exploration and doubt. We know that the mystery of God is too great for any of us to understand fully. Together, through worship, community, work, and reaching out to our neighbours and the world we continue to discover what it means to share in God’s love.

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