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About Us


Our youth ministry is comprised of youth from 5 churches in partnership, in Oshawa, ON. We currently have two youth groups - one called "Roots" for grades 5 to 8, and one called "The Core" for grades 9 and up.  With the departure of our former youth Pastor, Dave Tigchelaar, we are in transition this fall, but our volunteer leadership continues to run programming as planned.  Our new youth pastor for Roots is Karyne Whalen; we are in the process of figuring out next steps for CORE.


Our Strength as a community of youth relies on making connections both within the context of our large groups as well as smaller gatherings, which is why we offer lots of opportunities for youth to connect. 


Each group meets twice a month for fun activities and to learn more about what it means to live as faithful disciples of Christ in our world today, and each group also meets individually at their home churches each week for worship and bible instruction. 


Have a look at our Calendar for what's coming up, and consider joining us for great times with great people!

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